Border & Immigration
St. Mark’s has a long history of involvement in ministries addressing border and immigration issues. Currently, we are supporting the work of Casa Alitas (sponsored by Catholic Community Services) which provides shelter, food and logistical assistance to legally processed migrants seeking asylum in the US. We offer several rooms for clothing donations to be dropped off, sorted and stored prior to delivery to the Shelter. Individual members/friends volunteer directly with Casa Alitas for a variety of necessary tasks. We advocate for funding and donations for this vital ministry.
Other organizations we support that are working on border issues:
- “No More Deaths” and the “Tucson Samaritans” are both dedicated to reducing death and suffering of migrants crossing the desert by providing water, food and medical assistance.
- “Keep Tucson Together” and “Pima County Justice for All” are both focused on helping local residents navigate immigration laws and providing legal representation.
- “Frontera de Cristo” and “Cafe Justo” (Just Coffee) are border ministries in Douglas, AZ and Agua Prieta, MX. We support them through the sale of coffee from their grower cooperative in Salvador Urbina, Chiapas Mexico.
- This delicious coffee is available in 1 lb. bags (beans, ground, regular, and decaf) after church each Sunday. Cafe Justo is a pure, organic coffee grown, harvested, roasted, and marketed in the spirit of justice.
- “Eloy Visitation and Accompaniment”(EVA –formerly Casa Mariposa) is an organization that supports people in immigration detention. EVA offers opportunities for volunteers to visit, write letters, and find other ways to support those in detention and at their release into the community. We donate office space for their use.

Food Sharing
Second Sunday Supper on 2nd Street – Every month we host a neighborhood potluck with good food and community conversation. (And as much alliteration as we can muster!) We provide beverages and a main dish (always a gluten-free and vegetarian option included) and participants may bring side dishes. Join us at 5pm in the North parking lot on 2nd Street!
St. Mark’s Food Pantry is open Monday-Thursday from 9-11:30AM. Office volunteers are available to offer non-perishable food items on request. Members and friends are invited to bring donations to Sunday worship to keep the pantry well stocked.

LGBTQIA+ Community
More Light Presbyterians – St Mark’s is a member of the national net work of More Light Presbyterian churches. We welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning person as visitors and members. For well over a decade, St. Mark’s has advocated the full and equal rights of LGBTQIA+ persons in church and society. Our denomination the Presbyterian Church (USA) now welcomes all persons as members, church officers and pastors and authorizes same-sex marriages. We have an annual More Light Sunday to celebrate our affiliation and advocacy. We offer our support to both local and national LGBTQIA+ projects.
Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN) – We are honored to be a faith community that supports the life-affirming work of TIHAN. This organization is dedicated to providing compassionate and non-judgmental service to people affected by HIV/AIDS. The Poz Cafe meets monthly at St. Mark’s offering lunch and an opportunity for those living with HIV to take a break, be surrounded by positive people, and enjoy a delicious and healthy meal. Volunteers are welcome to contact TIHAN for fun opportunities to help.